Healthy Lighting For Your Home

Healthy Lighting For Your Home

Not so long ago, researchers have found that lighting in the home has a much more significant impact on health and well-being than we know off. Proper lighting can boost your energy, aide you to sleep better, and even helps to heal.
So it pays to ensure that the lighting in your pad or house is healthy.
You can start by improving the sources of natural light, such as windows and sunroofs. Inspect each room of your home and change as much of the artificial light as possible with sunlight. Say, re-position your reading chair close to a window.
Consider dimming the nighttime lighting in your home because it can influence the natural rhythms of your body if your home is very bright when it’s dark outside, leading in troubled sleep.
Avoid over-lighting, common in rooms with few windows. Excessive light can trigger headaches and even shifts in mood over time. All you need is lighting that is enough to see everything.

If you want to sell your house or need advice on prepping your house for sale please feel free to call us at 401-396-2888. We’d love to help!

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Kamil Sarji - Real Estate Agent


Kamil Sarji

Real Estate Agent

Licensed in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut

Phone: (401) 396-2888



If You're Selling: I know how to present and showcase your house effectively, promote and market it so that it attracts qualified buyers and get SOLD for the highest price possible.

If You're Buying: We start with really learning about your needs and what you're looking to achieve in your new home. Knowing this will help me find and show you the best homes that meet your criteria.

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